
Tracy Mak Studio

Once a month I send out a newsletter round up of the best tips for online marketing, SEO, productivity and more. Read past issues below and subscribe by entering in your email:

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A New Generation of Blogging Trends

Hi Reader, At the end of my son’s hockey season, I found myself surrounded by shouts of “skibidi toilet!” and I instantly felt like an old lady grumbling about “kids these days”. My sons are at an age where Gen Alpha slang has infiltrated our house. Gone are the days where my Millennial phrases were the sole influence of their vocabulary (“whatever!” has definitely slipped out on occasion when my son has had an attitude and it was like looking in a mirror). But every time my son says “Bet”...

Hi Reader, I’ve been living a lie for 30+ years. I’ve had this limiting belief that getting in shape, exercising, and being strong was out of reach for me. I know everyone always says how good exercise is for your physical and mental health, but it seemed like such a daunting task and I had every excuse in the book to stop me from getting started. That’s when I discovered ✨Walking✨. I started by tracking how many steps I was averaging every week (which was an embarrassing amount) and started...

Hi Reader, The other day I did something I thought I’d never be caught doing. A few years ago, my husband came up with the “genius” idea to attach a hand mixer whisk to his drill in order to hold a dish sponge and wash the dishes. It eventually morphed into using this modified hand mixer to mix protein powder and hydration drinks. I always thought it was excessive and said I’d never need to use it. Well, I ate my words. The other day I had cream cheese filling that needed to be mixed and I...

Hi Reader, I just got back from a quick trip to New York that coincided with the last day of Lunar New Year. I can’t begin to describe the pure child-like excitement I felt when I heard those familiar drums from the Lion Dances blessing one business to another in Chinatown. Picture of a Lion Dance taken from the internet, since I keep missing their dances in person! I took off running to catch their performance, only to be completely disappointed to find that I had JUST missed their dance! It...

Hi Reader! I hope you’ve had a wonderful start to 2024! It’s been a while since I’ve sent out my monthly newsletter. If you’re new, a quick introduction: At the end of the month I send out a newsletter that includes marketing and tech tips that help you run your practice or clinic. I cover things like SEO, branding, productivity and more. If there’s a topic you’d like to learn more about, reply to this email and I’ll work to include it in a future newsletter! Back to our regularly scheduled...