How I Helped a Client Simplify Onboarding – You Can Too!

Hi Reader,

There are lots of things I pride myself on: my ability to design and code, swapping faces in Photoshop, and Rick Rolling my 9-year-old. But one of the things that I’m most proud of, that I don’t get to talk much about, is my onboarding and project management systems.

It’s one of those things that isn’t very exciting and is only really noticed when it doesn’t work. But the time I’ve put into fine tuning different systems is probably the one of the most important investments I’ve made as an entrepreneur.

A few months ago, a client contacted me after our project had wrapped up and asked if I could help them with their onboarding process because they loved how every step of our work together was clear and systematic. I was thrilled to be able to help my clients simplify their process and save them time so they could focus more on treating their clients.

I had them run down what their main issues were through email and then we met on a video call to discuss further. At the end of the call I gave them steps, tutorials, and software recommendations to streamline their system – similar to my C3 Website Review & Roadmap.

There are so many ways to automate or utilize your website to simplify your processes. Here are some of my favorites:

  • Contact form submission ➡️ Automatically adds email address into email marketing system
  • Contact form submission ➡️ Automatically sends a thank you email with next step instructions
  • Sending a follow up email ➡️ Creates a task in project manager program (like Asana)
  • When a client completes an assigned task ➡️ Automatically send an email with scheduling link for follow up meeting
  • When a client accepts proposal or signs a contract ➡️ Send an email and invoice
  • Client schedules appointment ➡️ Reminder email sent 24 hours and 1 hour prior to appointment

Automation is for your time what compound interest is for your money. You invest a chunk at the start and enjoy the benefits exponentially in the long-run.

One of the best examples of this is to draft email templates for different common scenarios (especially tough emails so you don’t have to start from scratch every time): Welcome email with what to expect at their first appointment and any office policies, payment reminder emails, reminders to fill out intake forms.

If you feel like you’re spending too much time on administrative tasks and/or you need help connecting different apps and programs, reply to this email and we can set up a time to chat and come up with some solutions!

And if you want insights on if your website is working as effectively as it can, check out my C3 Website Review & Roadmap service. I have a few openings every week to jump on a call and create a Roadmap tailored to your goals and workflow.

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More ways I can help you in your practice, Reader⤵️

⭐ Want to stand out in online search results? Check out my Ultimate Guide to Amplify SEO with Online Reviews for ethical request methods to HIPAA-compliant response guidelines & templates.

🗺️ Have a goal you want to achieve but don't know how your website or online presence can help? Dive into a discovery call with me and come away with a custom step-by-step roadmap to get you closer to your goals. Book a C3 Website Review & Roadmap here.

💻 Interested in creating a strategic website that authentically showcases your brand and attracts your ideal clients? Fill out a Client Application to jump on a Discovery Call with me to see if we're a good fit.

1950 S Rochester Rd #1101, Rochester Hills, MI 48307
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